Section 131-11: General |
| 131-11-01 | integral quantity, <in electromagnetism> | |
| 131-11-02 | circuit theory | |
| 131-11-03 | circuit element | |
| 131-11-04 | electric circuit element | |
| 131-11-05 | magnetic circuit element | |
| 131-11-06 | circuit, <in electromagnetism> | |
| 131-11-07 | electric circuit, <in network topology> | |
| 131-11-08 | magnetic circuit | |
| 131-11-09 | lumped, adj | |
| 131-11-10 | distributed, adj | |
| 131-11-11 | terminal | |
| 131-11-12 | n-terminal, adj | |
| 131-11-13 | n-terminal circuit element | |
| 131-11-14 | n-terminal circuit | |
| 131-11-15 | two-terminal circuit | |
| 131-11-16 | two-terminal element | |
| 131-11-17 | time-independent, adj | |
| 131-11-18 | linear, adj | |
| 131-11-19 | non-linear, adj | |
| 131-11-20 | symmetric, adj | |
| 131-11-21 | asymmetric, adj | |
| 131-11-22 | direct current | |
| 131-11-23 | direct voltage | |
| 131-11-24 | alternating current | |
| 131-11-25 | alternating voltage | |
| 131-11-26 | phasor | |
| 131-11-27 | periodic conditions | |
| 131-11-28 | sinusoidal conditions | |
| 131-11-29 | direction of electric current | |
| 131-11-30 | instantaneous power | |
| 131-11-31 | instantaneous power (n-terminal circuit) | |
| 131-11-32 | instantaneous absorbed power | |
| 131-11-33 | instantaneous supplied power | |
| 131-11-34 | passive | |
| 131-11-35 | dissipative | |
| 131-11-36 | non-dissipative | |
| 131-11-37 | reactive | |
| 131-11-38 | active | |
| 131-11-39 | complex power | |
| 131-11-40 | complex alternating power | |
| 131-11-41 | apparent power | |
| 131-11-42 | active power | |
| 131-11-43 | non-active power | |
| 131-11-44 | reactive power | |
| 131-11-45 | var | |
| 131-11-46 | power factor | |
| 131-11-47 | non-active power factor | |
| 131-11-48 | displacement angle | |
| 131-11-49 | active factor | |
| 131-11-50 | reactive factor | |
| 131-11-51 | active current | |
| 131-11-52 | non-active current | |
| 131-11-53 | reactive current | |
| 131-11-54 | inductive current | |
| 131-11-55 | capacitive current | |
| 131-11-56 | voltage (in circuit theory) | |
| 131-11-57 | active energy | |
| 131-11-58 | watt hour | |
Section 131-12: Circuit elements and their characteristics |
| 131-12-01 | resistive n-terminal element | |
| 131-12-02 | resistive two-terminal element | |
| 131-12-03 | ideal resistor | |
| 131-12-04 | resistance | |
| 131-12-05 | differential resistance | |
| 131-12-06 | conductance | |
| 131-12-07 | differential conductance | |
| 131-12-08 | ideal diode | |
| 131-12-09 | capacitive n-terminal element | |
| 131-12-10 | capacitive two-terminal element | |
| 131-12-11 | electric charge (in circuit theory) | |
| 131-12-12 | ideal capacitor | |
| 131-12-13 | capacitance | |
| 131-12-14 | differential capacitance | |
| 131-12-15 | inductive m-terminal-pair element | |
| 131-12-16 | inductive two-terminal element | |
| 131-12-17 | total flux, <in circuit theory> | |
| 131-12-18 | ideal inductor | |
| 131-12-19 | inductance | |
| 131-12-20 | differential inductance | |
| 131-12-21 | ideal voltage source | |
| 131-12-22 | source voltage | |
| 131-12-23 | ideal current source | |
| 131-12-24 | source current | |
| 131-12-25 | independent source | |
| 131-12-26 | controlled source | |
| 131-12-27 | reluctant element | |
| 131-12-28 | reluctance | |
| 131-12-29 | permeance | |
| 131-12-30 | coupling (in circuit theory) | |
| 131-12-31 | capacitive coupling | |
| 131-12-32 | capacitance matrix | |
| 131-12-33 | inductive coupling | |
| 131-12-34 | inductance matrix | |
| 131-12-35 | self-inductance | |
| 131-12-36 | mutual inductance | |
| 131-12-37 | permeance matrix | |
| 131-12-38 | self-permeance | |
| 131-12-39 | mutual permeance | |
| 131-12-40 | leakage permeance | |
| 131-12-41 | inductive coupling factor | |
| 131-12-42 | inductive leakage factor | |
| 131-12-43 | impedance | |
| 131-12-44 | apparent impedance | |
| 131-12-45 | resistance to alternating current | |
| 131-12-46 | reactance | |
| 131-12-47 | inductive reactance | |
| 131-12-48 | capacitive reactance | |
| 131-12-49 | loss angle | |
| 131-12-50 | impedance angle | |
| 131-12-51 | admittance | |
| 131-12-52 | apparent admittance | |
| 131-12-53 | conductance for alternating current | |
| 131-12-54 | susceptance | |
| 131-12-55 | inductive susceptance | |
| 131-12-56 | capacitive susceptance | |
| 131-12-57 | immittance | |
| 131-12-58 | input terminal | |
| 131-12-59 | output terminal | |
| 131-12-60 | port | |
| 131-12-61 | input port | |
| 131-12-62 | output port | |
| 131-12-63 | terminal pair | |
| 131-12-64 | one-port | |
| 131-12-65 | two-port | |
| 131-12-66 | two-terminal-pair network | |
| 131-12-67 | n-terminal-pair network | |
| 131-12-68 | n-port | |
| 131-12-69 | balanced two-terminal-pair network | |
| 131-12-70 | symmetric two-port network | |
| 131-12-71 | asymmetric two-port network | |
| 131-12-72 | closed circuit | |
| 131-12-73 | open circuit | |
| 131-12-74 | connection | |
| 131-12-75 | series connection | |
| 131-12-76 | parallel connection | |
| 131-12-77 | cascade connection | |
| 131-12-78 | ideal transformer | |
| 131-12-79 | ideal gyrator | |
| 131-12-80 | ideal attenuator | |
| 131-12-81 | ideal amplifier | |
| 131-12-82 | ideal impedance convertor | |
| 131-12-83 | negative impedance convertor | |
| 131-12-84 | series-resonant circuit | |
| 131-12-85 | parallel-resonant circuit | |
| 131-12-86 | transmission line | |
| 131-12-87 | uniform transmission line | |
| 131-12-88 | ohm | |
| 131-12-89 | siemens | |
| 131-12-90 | farad | |
| 131-12-91 | henry | |
Section 131-13: Network topology |
| 131-13-01 | network topology | |
| 131-13-02 | topology of a network | |
| 131-13-03 | network, <in network topology> | |
| 131-13-04 | n-terminal network | |
| 131-13-05 | two-terminal network | |
| 131-13-06 | branch | |
| 131-13-07 | node, <in circuit theory> | |
| 131-13-08 | path | |
| 131-13-09 | graph (of a network) | |
| 131-13-10 | connected network | |
| 131-13-11 | unconnected network | |
| 131-13-12 | loop | |
| 131-13-13 | tree | |
| 131-13-14 | co-tree | |
| 131-13-15 | link (in network topology) | |
| 131-13-16 | mesh | |
| 131-13-17 | mesh current | |
| 131-13-18 | planar graph | |
| 131-13-19 | cut-set | |
| 131-13-20 | adjacency matrix | |
| 131-13-21 | branch-node incidence matrix | |
| 131-13-22 | branch-mesh incidence matrix | |
| 131-13-23 | L-network | |
| 131-13-24 | mirror L-network | |
| 131-13-25 | T-network | |
| 131-13-26 | Π-network | |
| 131-13-27 | bridge network | |
| 131-13-28 | bridged-T network | |
| 131-13-29 | ladder network | |
| 131-13-30 | twin-T network | |
Section 131-14: Two-port and <i>n</i>-port networks |
| 131-14-01 | terminating immittance | |
| 131-14-02 | terminating impedance | |
| 131-14-03 | terminating admittance | |
| 131-14-04 | load immittance | |
| 131-14-05 | load impedance | |
| 131-14-06 | load admittance | |
| 131-14-07 | input immittance | |
| 131-14-08 | input impedance | |
| 131-14-09 | input admittance | |
| 131-14-10 | output immittance | |
| 131-14-11 | output impedance | |
| 131-14-12 | output admittance | |
| 131-14-13 | forward transfer impedance | |
| 131-14-14 | reverse transfer impedance | |
| 131-14-15 | forward transfer admittance | |
| 131-14-16 | reverse transfer admittance | |
| 131-14-17 | transfer immittance | |
| 131-14-18 | forward transfer ratio | |
| 131-14-19 | reverse transfer ratio | |
| 131-14-20 | short-circuited | |
| 131-14-21 | short-circuit, qualifier | |
| 131-14-22 | open-circuited | |
| 131-14-23 | open-circuit, qualifier | |
| 131-14-24 | impedance matrix | |
| 131-14-25 | admittance matrix | |
| 131-14-26 | immittance matrix | |
| 131-14-27 | reciprocity | |
| 131-14-28 | reciprocal | |
| 131-14-29 | H-matrix | |
| 131-14-30 | K-matrix | |
| 131-14-31 | chain matrix | |
| 131-14-32 | reverse chain matrix | |
| 131-14-33 | incident scattering variable | |
| 131-14-34 | output scattering variable | |
| 131-14-35 | scattering matrix | |
| 131-14-36 | scattering parameter | |
| 131-14-37 | wave transfer factor | |
| 131-14-38 | wave chain matrix | |
Section 131-15: Methods of circuit theory |
| 131-15-01 | network analysis | |
| 131-15-02 | node method | |
| 131-15-03 | mesh method | |
| 131-15-04 | cut-set method | |
| 131-15-05 | network synthesis | |
| 131-15-06 | electric circuit model | |
| 131-15-07 | equivalent electric circuit | |
| 131-15-08 | Ohm's law | |
| 131-15-09 | Kirchhoff law for nodes | |
| 131-15-10 | Kirchhoff law for meshes | |
| 131-15-11 | reciprocity theorem | |
| 131-15-12 | superposition theorem | |
| 131-15-13 | Thevenin theorem | |
| 131-15-14 | Norton theorem | |
| 131-15-15 | compensation theorem | |
| 131-15-16 | Tellegen theorem | |
| 131-15-17 | bus admittance matrix | |
| 131-15-18 | bus impedance matrix | |
| 131-15-19 | mesh impedance matrix | |
| 131-15-20 | transfer function | |
| 131-15-21 | frequency response | |
| 131-15-22 | minimum-phase network | |
| 131-15-23 | image impedance | |
| 131-15-24 | iterative impedance | |
| 131-15-25 | image transfer coefficient | |
| 131-15-26 | image attenuation | |
| 131-15-27 | image phase change | |
| 131-15-28 | characteristic impedance | |
| 131-15-29 | insertion transfer function | |
| 131-15-30 | insertion attenuation | |
| 131-15-31 | insertion phase change | |
| 131-15-32 | complex current reflection factor | |
| 131-15-33 | complex voltage reflection factor | |
| 131-15-34 | reflection loss factor | |
| 131-15-35 | reflection loss | |
| 131-15-36 | reflection gain factor | |
| 131-15-37 | reflection gain | |
| 131-15-38 | ideal filter | |
| 131-15-39 | prototype L-section filter | |
| 131-15-40 | m-derived L-section filter | |
| 131-15-41 | image-parameter filter | |
| 131-15-42 | constant K filter | |
| 131-15-43 | insertion parameter filter | |
| 131-15-44 | active RC filter | |
| 131-15-45 | switched capacitor filter | |