IEVref:904-01-05ID: 904-01-05
Language:enStatus: Standard
Term: process, <in environmental standardization>
Definition: set of interrelated or interacting activities which transforms inputs into outputs

Note 1 to entry: Inputs to a process are generally outputs of other processes.

Note 2 to entry: Processes in an organization are generally planned and carried out under controlled conditions to add value.

Publication date:2015-10
SourceISO 9000:2005, definition 3.4.1, modified – "NOTE 3 A process where the conformity of the resulting product cannot be readily or economically verified is frequently referred to as a "special process". deleted.
Internal notes:2015-04-15: Link removed from "Inputs to a <a href=IEV904-01-05>process</a>" since it is this entry. JGO
CO remarks: 2014-11-26: IEV 192-01-08 already presents the concept identical to 904-01-05, also the source references are identical. No reason to delete 904-01-05, as the concept would still remain in the IEV. In 351-42-33, the term “process” appears as second term after “process in control technology”. It is obvious that there “process” refers also to process in control technology. WG100 is asked to consider revision/withdrawal of 113-01-06. JGO 2015-09-22: Revised through CR C000017. Addition of specific use: <in environmental standardization>. JGO
TC/SC remarks:
VT remarks:
Domain1:Environmental standardization for electrical and electronic products and systems
Domain2:General terms relating to environmental protection and management